Annotation:Plymouth Jigg
X:38 T:Plimouth Jigg A:England;London M:6/4 L:1/4 Q:3/4=90 S:J.Walsh,Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs,etc 1731 N:printed last note is dotted minim-here corrected Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <> with vmp revisions K:D d|faAdfd|B2ge2d|Be2a2f|dBgecA|FAdAaf|d2AD2|| A|d>cBA/G/FA|d/c/Bge2d|a3A2d/e/|fd/e/fge/f/g|af/g/aAdc|d3D2|]
PLYMOUTH JIGG. AKA - "Plimouth Jigg." English, Jig (6/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune (as "Plimouth Jigg") appears in London publisher John Walsh’s third collection of Lancashire tunes (c. 1731).