Annotation:Polonese Gavotte

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X:1 T:Polonese Gavotte M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Thomas Wilson - Companion to the Ball Room (1816, p. 170) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin gG2 B/c/|d D2 E/F/|GABc|d D2z|B d2 c/B/|A c2 B/A/|GA/B/ cB/A/|B G2z2|| a2f2|dc/d/ B2 c/d/|edcB |fF2 z|^f g2 a|b d2z|c/d/e/d/ c/B/A/G/|A D2 z| b B2 d/e/|f F2 G/A/|Bcde|f F2 z|GBeG|FBdB|ba/g/ f/e/d/c/|d B2 z||

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