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Annotation:Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary

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X:128 T:Purcell's Trumpet Voluntary,aka. HA.127 T:Temple,The,aka. HA.127 M:C L:1/8 Q:1/4=180 C:..or J.Clarke’s Untitled in MS S:Henry Atkinson’s original MS,Hartburn,N’umberland,1694. O:England N:I’ve removed two redundant barlines. cf “The Temple” in Walsh CD 2, N:1731..CGP. H:1/8 Z:vmp.Chris Partington.Jan.2004 K:C c4d4|e3f e2d2|c2d2e2dc|d2G2G2G2| c4d4|e3fe2d2|cdcd d3c|c4|| e4 (f3e/f/)|g3a g2f2|e2c2c2G2|c2G2E2C2| e4 (f3e/f/)|g3a g2f2|e2c2 cdec|d4|]

PURCELL'S TRUMPET VOLUNTARY.   AKA and see "Prince of Denmark's March," "Temple (1) (The)."   English, March (whole time).  The tune has been erroneously credited to English composer Henry Purcell, but is the work of organist and younger contemporary Jeremiah Clarke.  See note for "Temple (1) (The) for more information. 

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