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Annotation:Reel St-David

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X:1 T:Reel St-David S:Robert Lemieux M:C| L:1/8 D:Bluebird B-4904 (78 RPM), Robert Lemieux (1936) F:http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/m2/f7/14828.mp3 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:A cdec A2A2|EGAB cB B2|cdec A2AA|GABG A2A2| cdec A2A2|EGAB cB B2|cdec A2AA|1,2GABG A2A2:|3GABG A2|| |:Ac|e2 Ac ecec|d2[d2f2][d3f3]d|c2 ec ecec|dec2B2 ec| |e2 Ac ecec|d2[d2f2][d3f3]d|ceec dBGB|A2c2A2:| |:ag|f4 fagf|e4 e3a|g2g2 gefg|agab c'eag| f2f2 fagf|e2e2 e3a|g2g2gefg|ac'bg a2:|]

REEL ST-DAVID. French-Canadian, Reel (cut time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. 

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Recorded sources : - Bluebird B-4904-B (78 RPM), Robert Lemieux (1936).

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