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Annotation:Reel de la Tasserie

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X:0 T:Reel de la Tasserie S:From the playing of Québécois Gaspé fiddler Richard Anglehart, via S:Devon Leger. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel F:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIxOog3qUjI Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G dc|BGAF GDB,D|GGBG A2dc|BGAF GE{F}ED|EAzE A2dc| BGAF GDB,D|GGBG ABGA|ddgd egdc|BGAF G2:| |:ef|ggbg agef|gedc BGBd|ggbg aged|B[Be]zB [B3e3]f-| g2bg agef|gedc (3BcB AG|FGAB cAFD|G[GB]BG [G2B2]:|

REEL DE LA TASSERIE. French-Canadian, Reel (cut time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Reel de la Tasserie" is from the playing of Québécois Gaspé fiddler Richard Anglehart (pronounced as in French, "Angle Arte"). A tasserae is a part of of a barn or stable where hay or grain is stored, and is where the hay bales are broken up to be distributed as livestock feed. There is some similarity with the American Old-Time tune "Sally will You Marry Me? (1)," but no relationship is suggested.

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Recorded sources : - See/hear Devon Leger play the tune (fast and slow) at YouTube.com [1]

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