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Annotation:Reel du tricentenaire (1)

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X:1 T:Reel du tricentenaire [1] C:Joseph Allard M:2/4 L:1/16 Z:Transcribed by Bruce Osborne K:A ed|cAEA cAec|dBGB dBed|cefg afed|cAec d2ed|! cAEA cAec|dBGB dBed|cefg afed|cABG A2:|! |:eg|a2ab agf2|fbb^a b2fg|afbf afeg|fe^df e2fg|! a2ga fece|fBgB aece|fBgB afed|cABG A2:|!

REEL DU TRICENTENAIRE [1] (Tricentenial Reel). AKA and see "Reel de ma tante Lydia." French-Canadian, Reel. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. Recorded by Montréal fiddler Joseph Allard (1873-1947) in 1942, the year the city celebrated its tricentennial. According to researcher Jean Duval[1], the original RCA recording notes the reel was initially scheduled to be titled "Reel du folklore." Duval recognizes Allard's tune as a version of "Miller's Reel (1)," although he notes the first strain differs quite a bit from the current version played in the rest of Canada, and perhaps inspired fiddlers younger than he, esp. Louis Beaudrealt.

See also Louis "Piou" Boudreault's version under the title "Reel de ma tante Lydia."

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Cuillerier (Joseph Allard), 1992; p. 28. Duval (La Musique de Joseph Allard 1873-1946), 2018; No. 115, p. 54.

Recorded sources : - Bluebird B-1274-b (78 RPM), Joseph Allard (1942).

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  1. Jean Duval, "La Musique de Joseph Allard 1873-1946", 2018, p. 79 [1].
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