Annotation:Reel rouge

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X:1 T:Reel rouge T:Red Reel N:From the playing of fiddler Léon-Robert Goulet M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Victor 263761A (78 RPM), Léon-Robert Goulet (1930) D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:Bb +slide+[D2B2]-||S[DB]GFD B,DFA|[FB]B dc BBAB| ccec AGFE|DEFG F2GA| +slide+BGFD B,DFA|[FB]B dc BBAB| ccec AFAc|[D2B2] Bd [D2B2]:| [D2B2]-|[DB]BBB d-BBB|bagf =ec2c|ABcd =efga|bg=eg fBBc| |:-dBBB d-BBB|bagf =ec2c|ABcd =efga|1,2 bg=eg fBBc:|3bg=eg f(B/c/B)AS||

REEL ROUGE (Red Reel).

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