Annotation:Rolling Reel (The)

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X:1 % T:Rolling Reel, The M:4/4 L:1/8 S:Capt. F. O'Neill – Waifs and Strays of Gaelic Melody (1922) Z:Paul Kinder R:Reel K:Ador EA (3AAA cA (3AAA|BGGF GABd|(3efg dB A2 Tge|dBGB cA A2:|| eaag a2 bg|a2 bg agef|g2 Tgf gaba|gedB BA A2| eaag a2 bg|a2 bg agef|gedB cdef|gedB cABG||

ROLLING REEL, THE. AKA and see “Humors of Schull (The).” Irish, Reel. A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Compare also with “Highway to Limerick (The)” and an untitled tune in Feldman & O’Doherty’s Northern Fiddler (1979; p. 75).

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Printed sources : - O’Neill (Waifs and Strays of Gaelic Melody), 1922; No. 243.

Recorded sources: - Green Linnet SIF-1105, Patrick Street - "Irish Times" (1989).

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