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Annotation:Rough Molly

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X:1 T:Rough Molly R:highland C:trad. S:Sharon Creasey playing the whistle Z:Transcribed by Larry Sanger M:4/4 K:Ador "Am"EAAB "Dm7"cBce|"Dm7"dB (3gab "Em7"(3agf g<{a}g|"F"EAAB "F"cBce||1 "G"dBgB "Am"{d}BAAG:|2 "G"dBgB "Am"{d}BAAg|| "Am"a{g}a (3gab "Am"a<{g}aba|"Em"g<b gd "Em"g<b gd|"Fmaj7"e<a g<b "Fmaj7"a{b}aba|"G"{ga}gfgd "Am"Ba a2| "Am"a{g}a (3gab "Am"(3aba (3gag|"Em"(3efe (3ded "Em"(3cdc {Bc}BG|"Fmaj7"EAAB "G"cBce|1 "Em7"dBgB "Am"{d}BAa2:|2 "Em7"dBgB "Am"{d}BAAG||

ROUGH MOLLY (Molly Gharbu). AKA - "Mullach Garbh Highland (The)." AKA and see "Killarney Wonder (1)." Irish, Highland (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA’B. The tune is a member of a family of Scotch and Irish tunes that includes "Cameron House," "Old Grey Gander (The)," "Humors of Schull (The)" and "George Gubbin's Delight." A march version can be found in Frank Roche's collection as "Mo ceoil sibh a laochra." See also "Captain Campbell of Carphen." The alternate title, "Mullach Garbh" means 'rough summit' and is a Teelin name for the tune, after a local place-name. The name "Molly Gharbu" may be a miss-hearing of the Irish language title. A untitled reel version of the tune, played by Donegal fiddler John Doherty, was printed in The Northern Fiddler (1978, p. 75).

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