Annotation:Rural Grove (The)

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X:1 T:Rural Grove, The M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Jig N:Under section of "Dances, 1786". B:Samuel, Ann & Peter Thompson - Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite B:Country Dances, vol. 5 (1788, No. 59, p. 30) N:" As they are Perform'd at Court, Bath and all Publick Assemblys ." Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G G2G BAB dBG|A>BA c2d e2g|G>AG B2c dBG|e2e eag Tf2g:| |:T(gfg) T(gfg) afd|gfg agf e2d|BGB d2d e2f|gfe dGB A2G:| |:BGB BGB c2e|BGB BGB A2c|BGB BGB d2g-|gfe dGB A2G:|]

RURAL GROVE, THE. English, Slip Jig (9/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The tune was entered in the mid-19th century music manuscript of William Winter, a shoemaker and violin player who lived in West Bagborough in Somerset, southwest England.

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Printed sources : - Samuel, Ann & Peter Thompson (Compleat Collection of 200 FavouriteCountry Dances, vol. 5), 1788; No. 59, p. 30. Geoff Woolfe (William Winter’s Quantocks Tune Book), 2007; No. 156, p. 59 (ms. originally dated 1850).

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