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Annotation:Russe (1) (La)

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X:1 T:La Russe [1] M:4/4 L:1/8 N:Quadrille section K:G BA|G2BB B2dd|d2g2g2 fg|a2g2e2c2|e2 de dcBA| G2BB B2dd|d2g2g2fg|e2d2d2FG|A2G2G2:| K:D A2|A2dd d2cB|A2aa a2gf|g2f2 g2e2|fgag f2d2| A2dd d2 cB|A2aa a2gf|g2f2 g2e2|1 d3:|2 d2 de d=cBA||

LA RUSSE [1]. English, Irish; Polka or Country Dance Tune (4/4 or 2/4 time). G Major ('A' part) & D Major ('B' part). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune was originally part of a quadrille set, dating it to the 1830's or 1840's, although it has become an accepted single-figure set dance in itself. It is sometimes employed as a polka. The piece is similar to mid-19th century Somerset fiddler William Winter's "Shapron (The)" in the first strain.

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Printed sources : - Barnes (English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 2), 2005; p. 112. Kennedy (Fiddler's Tune Book, vol. 1), 1951; No. 65, p. 32. Raven (English Country Dance Tunes), 1984; p. 144. Martin (Traditional Scottish Fiddling), 2002; p. 43.

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