Annotation:Sam Miller's Square Dance

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X:1 T:Sam Miller's Square Dance M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Bayard – Dance to the Fiddle (1981, No. 217) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D de|f2f2 fedB|A3A B A3|F2D2E2F2|G2B2 B3B| e2e2 ef e2|{B}c3B c2cB|A2A2 =cB A2|F3F F3A| f2f2 fedB|A3A B A3|F2D2E2F2|G2B2B3B| e2e2 ef e2|{B}c3c c2 cB|A2A2B2c2|[F4d4]{c}[F2d2]!fine!|| (3ABc|d3d d2 (3ABc|d3 d d2(3ABc|d2A2 =cB AG|E3E E2 E/F/A/B/| e3e/f/ e2Bc|e3fe2Bc|e2d2cB3|A3 A A2!D.C.!||

SAM MILLER'S SQUARE DANCE. American, Reel (4/4 time). USA, southwestern Pa. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB.

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - John Nicholson (fiddler from Fayette County, Pa., 1949) [Bayard].

Printed sources : - Bayard (Dance to the Fiddle), 1981; No. 217, pp. 172 173.

Recorded sources: -

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