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X:1 T:Schichallion M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Kerr – Merry Melodies, vol. 2, No. 55 (c. 1880’s) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ador G|E<A A>B c>A B2|B<G G>c B/c/d/B/ G<B|c>AB>G A/A/A {A/B/}c2| g>e e/d/c/B/ c<A A:||:B|c/c/c c>d (c/d/)e/^f/ g2|GGd>c B/c/d/B/ G>B| |1 c/c/c c>d (c/d/)e/^f/ g>a|g>e e/d/c/B/ c<A A:| |2 {B/c/}c>A B<G A/A/A {A/B/}c2|g>e e/d/c/B/ c<A A||

SCHICHALLION. Scottish, Strathspey (whole time). A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB'. Schichallion (pronounced She-hal-e-on) is a 1,081 meter high mountain in Perthshire located at the south end of the Cairngorns, overlooking Rannoch moor and a few miles south of Loch Rannoch. There was a holy well on Schichallion, thought to have healing powers, which perhaps dates to pre-Christian times. There are also a scattering of caves around the mountain’s base. In 1774 Nevil Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal, conducted an experiment using the symmetry of the conical mountain to calculate mass and determined the gravitational constant.

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Printed sources : - Kerr (Merry Melodies, vol. 2), c. 1880's; No. 55, p. 9.

Recorded sources: -

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