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Annotation:Sherlock's Fancy

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X: 1 T: Sherlock's Fancy T: Jack Maguire's, The Snake M: 4/4 L: 1/8 S: B.Flaherty Z: B.Black R: reel F:http://www.john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/mirror/redhawk.org/zouki/s.abc K: D FE|DF F2 DGBG|DFAF GECE|DF F2 ABde|fdAG FAEF| DF F2 DGBG|DFAF GECE|DF F2 ABde|fdAG FD D2|| fgaf g2 ag|fgaf gfeg|fgaf g2 eg|dfAG FD D2| fgaf g2 ag|fgaf gfeg|fdAF G2 ag|fdAG FAEF||

SHERLOCK'S FANCY. AKA and see "Jack Maguire's Reel," "Snake (The)." Irish, Reel. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The title refers to flute and whistle player Roger Sherlock, with whom the tune is associated. Sherlock was originally from County Mayo, directly on the border with County Sligo, and he is an inheritor of the south Sligo/north Roscommon musical tradition, although he spent much of his adult life in London where he played famously with other Irish émigrés throughout the 1950's and 1960's. He was the source for Breathnach's variant "<incipit title="load:jack" width=850 link="https://tunearch.org/wiki/Jack Maguire's Reel">Jack Maguire's Reel</incipit>" (CRÉ III, 105).

Additional notes

Source for notated version: - flute player Colm O'Donnell (b. 1962, Aclare, County Sligo) [Flaherty].

Printed sources : - Flaherty (Trip to Sligo), 1990; p. 11.

Recorded sources: -

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X:1 M:C| L:1/8 K:D DF~F2 DG~G2|DF~F2 EFDC|DF~F2 ABde|fdAG FGEF|

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