Annotation:Siston Breakwater (The)

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X:1 T:Siston Breakwater, The M:3/2 L:1/8 R:Country Dance Tune B: Barnes - English Country Dance Tunes vol. 2 (2005, p. 72) K:G d2c2B2 A2G2B2|c2A2G2F2 G4|....

SISTON BREAKWATER, THE. English, Country Dance Tune (3/2 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABC.

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Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - Barnes (English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 2), 2005; p. 72 (appears as “Lady Katherine’s March”, the name of a dance by T. Renfrew composed in 1943 and set to the tune).

Recorded sources: -

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