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Annotation:Small is my inclination to sleep

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X:1 T:Small is my inclination to Sleep T:’S beag mo shunnd ris a’ chadal M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Slow Air S:Fraser Collection (1816) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Emin g>a|b2 b2 a>g|f2 dz g>f|e2d2e2|G2Ez d>e|g2 ez B>A| e2 d2 B>A|G3 z||G>A|B2B2 B>A|B2 ez d>c|B2G2 A>G| F2Ez e>f|g2 g2 f>e|e2 B2 B>^A|B3z||G>A|B2 B2 B>A| B2ez d>c|B2 G2 A>G|F2Ez g>a|b2b2a>g|b2g2 f>e|e3 z||

SMALL IS MY INCLINATION TO SLEEP. AKA - "'S beag mo shunnd ris a' chadal". Scottish, Slow Air (3/4 time). E Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABC. "The words to this air are to be found in most compilations of Gaelic songs; the melody, as sung by the editor's father, is highly worthy of English words" (Fraser). Henry Hudson, the editor of "The Native Music of Ireland, No. 32" published in The Citizen; or Dublin Monthly Magazine (vol. IV, No. XXIV, October, 1841, p. 209) noted that this tune is an example of tunes formed with phrases of four bars and three bars, "which is the division of the ordinary Psalm tune, in "Common Measure"." Others in this category are the air for "Lord Gregory (Smith's Scottish Minstrel, vol. 3) and "O saw ye my father/Saw You My Father?."

Additional notes

Source for notated version: -

Printed sources : - Fraser (The Airs and Melodies Peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles), 1816; No. 75, p. 27.

Recorded sources: - Stephanie Claussen - "The Road Home from Skye: Scottish and Irish Tunes" (2019).

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