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Annotation:Squeeze Me Softly

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X:25 T:Squeeze me Softly. MBe.25 A:England;Cumbria;Towcett B:Matthew Betham MS, Towcett Cumbria, 1815 Z:VMP - Hugh Taylor, 2012 T:Haul Away the Hawser,aka. MBe.25 T:Seymore's Reel,aka. MBe.25 T:Ladies Wattle,aka. MBe.25 T:Tadie's Wattle,aka. MBe.25 T:Comely Jane Downing,aka. MBe.25 M:C L:1/8 Q:1/2=100 R: C:in margin-'M.Betham Towsett' N:NB-No time signature written. Common time assumed N:NB1-The E and the 2 G notes are written as a triplet. I have changed them to a crotchet and 2 quavers. N:NB2-The final G is written as a quaver. I have changed it to a crotchet. K:G G2 BG Bd e2|c2 ec "^NB1"egg2|G2 BG Bd d2|ecBA A2 G2:| |:g2 bg aedg|egfa gage|g2 bg afdf|egfa g2 g2| gbge fafd|egfe dBAG|cBcd efge|dgBG A2 "^NB2"G2:|

SQUEEZE ME SOFTLY. AKA and see "Comely Jane Downing," "Goroum (The)," "Haul Away the Hawser (2)," "Larry Bourn," "Lord Seymour's Reel," "Lord Summer's Reel," "Sineid Alain Ni Dounaig," "Sineid Datamail m Duibnaig," "Seymour's Fancy," "Tady's Wattle," "Tory Burn Lasses," "Torry Burn Lasses." English, Reel (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Matthew Betham music manuscript collection (1815, Towcett, Cumbria) [Offord].

Printed sources : - John Offord (Bonny Cumberland), 2018; p. 13.

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