Annotation:Standard Club Quadrille—Figure 1
X:1 T:Standard Club Quadrille—Figure 1 M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Quadrille B:Ford – Good Morning (1941, p. 10) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A,CE Acf|(ea)c A2z|B2c d2c|Bcd e2z| A,CE Acf|(ea)c A2z|Bdf e2G|AEC A,2z!fermata!|| a2g a2b|(c'3b2)a|b2a g2f|e3 cde| f2e f2g|a3 aga|fgb efg|a2z [c2a2]z!D.C.!|| (c3 c)Bc|(d3 d)cB|AGA Bcd|cec B2A| a2a aaa|b2b bbb|dcB edB|A2z [c2a2]z||
STANDARD CLUB QUADRILLE NO. 1. American, Jig (6/8 time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABACA. There is some resemblance of the second figure of this tune with Bayard's Pennsylvania collected "Allegheny County."
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