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Annotation:Stay and take your breeches wi' ye (2)

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X:1 T:Stay and take your breeches wi’ ye [2] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:William Vickers’ 1770 music manuscript collection (Northumberland) B:http://www.farnearchive.com/show_images.asp?id=R0303402&image=1 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C CEGE cE D2|CEGE AGAc|Fd Ec dEDE|CEGc AGAc:| |:gcga gede|gcga gage|fage dcde|cGAG cGAc:|]

STAY AND TAKE YOUR BREECHES WI' YE [2]. AKA and see "Bonny Lass wi' the Tocher," "Mr. Foote's Favourite," "Soldier Lad or Anybody (A)," "Stay a Wee Bit Bonny Lad," "Welcome to Your Feet Again," "Your Welcome to Your Feet Again." Scottish, English; Reel. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. David Young entered the tune in his Drummond Castle Manuscript Part 2 (1734, No. 44) as "Welcome to your foot again" ("Welcome to Your Feet Again"), and in his MacFarlane Manuscript Book II (c. 1741, p. 237) as "A Soger Lad or Any bodie."

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Printed sources : - Seattle (Great Northern Tune Book/William Vickers), 2008; No. 150, p. 42.

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