Annotation:Strong Steed (The)

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X:1 T:Strong Seed, The T:Stail graoi (An) M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air S:Joyce - Old Irish Folk Music and Songs (1909) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion Q:"Slow and with expression" K:Gmin Bc|d2 d>c BG|G2 cB GA|F2G2 Bc|d2 d>c BG|{E}F2G2 G>A|G4:| GA|B>A Bc d=e|f2 g>fdc|d>cBGGA|B>ABc d=e|f2g2 a>g|g4 ag| fdg<fdc|BGc>BG=E|F2G2 g<f|e2 dc BG|{E}F2G2 G<A|G4||

STRONG STEED, THE (An Stail Graoi). Irish, Slow Air (3/4 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Ned Goggin the professional fiddler of Glenosheen Co. Limerick (1844 to 1850)" {Joyce}.

Printed sources : - P.W. Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Songs), 1909; No. 164, p. 83.

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