Annotation:Swanton Abbott Hornpipe

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X: 1 T:Swanton Abbott Hornpipe. GHW.067 O:england M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:George H.Watson,MS,Swanton Abbott,Norfolk,1850-1880 R:Hornpipe A:Norfolk F: K:F cB|ABcA F2 fg|agaf d2 cB|AB c2 dcBA|A2G2G2 cB| ABcA F2 fg|agaf d2 cB|AB c2 agfe|f2F2F2:| |:de|fgaf ge c2|fgaf ge c2|cABc dcBA|A2G2G2 cB| ABcA F2 fg|agbf d2 cB|AB c2 agfe|f2F2F2:| W:Untitled in MS |]

SWANTON ABBOTT HORNPIPE. English, Hornpipe (whole time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. This untitled hornpipe is contained in the 1850-1880 music manuscript collection of musician George H. Watson, of Swanton Abbott, East Anglia, England, and is now identified with the name of the village he resided in. Belfast piper R.L. O'Mealy's "Templecross" is a similar tune.

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