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Annotation:Take care of my Cap

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X:1 T:Take care of my Cap C:”By Jackson” M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig Q:”Slowly” B:John Hall – “A Selection of Strathspeys Reels, Waltzes & Irish Jigs” (c. 1818, p. 32) B: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/104981834 N:”Printed and sold by John Hall, at his Music Room.” N:Hall (1788-1862) was a music teacher in Ayr, Scotland. His dancing master’s ‘kit’ N:(a small fiddle) used in his dancing lessons, is still preserved. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin G|GDC B,A,G,|G>AG G2A|B>AB GAB|cAF F2=e| f2F A2F|cAF ABc|d^cd D2d|cA^F G2:| |:g|g^fg G2g|dBG G2=e|f=ef F2f|cAF F2A| BAB B,2c|c=Bc C2d|d>^cd D2d|cA^F G2:| |:d|d(=B/c/d/B/) G(B/c/d/B/)|d(=B/c/d/B/) G(B/c/d/B/)|c(A/_B/c/A/) F(A/B/c/A/)|c(A/B/c/A/) F(A/B/c/A/)| B>AB B,2c|c=Bc C2d|d>^cd D2d|cA^F G2:| |:g|gdg gdg|{a}g^fg G2e|=fcf fcf|{g}f=ef F2A| B>AB B,2c|c=Bc C2d|d^cd D2d|=cA^F G2:|]

TAKE CARE OF MY CAP. AKA and see "Ladies Take Care." Irish, Jig (6/8 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. John Hall, in whose c. 1818 collection "Take Care of My Cap" appears, attributed the tune to Irish gentleman uilleann piper biography:Walker 'Piper' Jackson. A two-part version of the tune was printed by Boston publisher Elias Howe under the title "Ladies Take Care."

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Printed sources : - John Hall (A Selection of Strathspeys Reels, Waltzes & Irish Jigs), c. 1818, p. 32.

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