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Annotation:Tending the Steer with a Heavy Heart

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X:1 T:G'ioman nan Gamhnan, 's mi muladach T:Tending the Steer, with a heavy heart M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Slip jig B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 43) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G e|dBB B<BA BAG|dBB Bcd efg|dBB B<BA BAG|e2A dBG AA:| e|BGB g2e fed|BGB g2e f3|BGB g2e fed|e2A ABd e3| BGB g2e fed|BGB g2e f3|def g2e fed|e2A ABd efg||

TENDING THE STEER, WITH A HEAVY HEART (G'ioman nan Gamhnan, 's mi muladach). AKA - "Tending the Steer." AKA and see "Hey the hedrie Falie," "Jaunting Car for Six," "Miss Brodie of Brodie's Favorite. Scottish, Pipe Slip Jig (9/8 time). A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Tending the Steer, with a Heavy Heart" is a member of a family of 9/8 related tunes perhaps derived from the English "Drops of Brandy (1)," but having corresponding members in Scotland and Ireland. The cognate status rests on the first strains, which are very similar between versions; the second strains show more comparative differences, but still follow very similar structural and harmonic patterns as well as melodic contour.

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Printed sources : - William Gunn (The Caledonian Repository of Music Adapted for the Bagpipes), Glasgow, 1848; p. 43.

Recorded sources : - Flying Fish FF 299, Battlefield Band "There's a Buzz" (1982).

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