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Annotation:Thro' the Wood She Ran

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X:1 T:Thro' the Wood she ran T:Thro' the Muir she ran (2) M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:Gow – 2nd Repository (1802) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F c|f>gag fddf|cFcA G2 Gc|f>gag fddf|cAfc A/A/A A:| |:B|c>dcA F>GAB|cdcA G2 GA|cdcA F>GAB|cAfc A/A/A A:|

THRO’ THE WOOD SHE RAN. AKA and see "Thro' the Muir she ran (2)." Scottish, Reel (cut time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB (Surenne): AABB (Gow, Lowe). There is an old nursery rhyme, probably a fragment of a once longer version, that may or may not have something to do with Gow's title. It goes:

I had a little moppet,
I kept it in my pocket
And fed it on corn and hay;
There came a proud beggar
And swore he should have her,
And stole my little moppet away,

And through the wood she ran, she ran,
And through the wood she ran.
All the long winter she followed the hunter,
And never was heard of again.

Often, only the first stanza is printed.

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Gow (Complete Repository, Part 2), 1802; p. 29. Joseph Lowe (Lowe's Collection of Reels, Strathspeys and Jigs, book 4), 1844–1845; p. 21. Surenne (Dance Music of Scotland), 1852; p. 58.

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