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Annotation:Tidal Wave

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X:1 T:Tidal Wave M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Sand Jig S:Ryan’s Mammoth Collection (1883, No. 629) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F (C2F2) | (A2c2) | (d/>.c/)(B/>.c/) d/>f/e/>f/ | c/A/z a/f/z | (C2F2) | (A2c2) | f/>d/=B/>a/ (3g/a/g/ (3f/e/d/ | (3c/g/f/ (3e/_e/d/ (3c/B/G/ (3E/D/_D/ | (C2F2) | (A2c2) | d/>.c/B/>.c/ d/>/fe/>f/ | c/A/z a/f/z | z/>b/(a/>.b/) (3d/e/^f/ g | z/>a/(^g/>.a/) (3A/B/=B/ c | z/>d/(^c/>.d/) (E/>=.c/)(=B/>.c/) | (F/>.A/)(c/>.e/) f || K:C |: a | (g/>.f/)(d/>.B/) A>G | ^F/>G/c/>e/ g>g | (=f/>g/B/>)g/ (f/>g/B/>)g/ | (e/>gc/>)e/ (E/>G/c/>)e/ | (g/>f/)d/>B/ A>G | ^F/>G/c/>e/ g>(^g | b/>a/)^c/>(d/ a/>g/)=B/>(=c/ |1 e/>d/)(A/>.B/) c :|2 e/>dA/>B/ c/>_B/G/>E/ || P:"Trio" K:Bb (F^F G>)D | (F^F G>)D | F/>B/d/>f/ b/>ag/>f | (^fg)A z/>e/(c/>.A/) | (F^F G>)A, | (F^F G>)A, | C/>F/A/>c/ a/>g/f/>e/ | (^cd)F z/>f/d/>B/ | (F^F G>)D | (F^F G>)D | =F/>G/=B/>d/ g/>_a/g/>d | c/>B/c/>d/ e>(^f | g/>)(d/e/>)(=B/ c/>)(d/e/>)(=e | f/>)(^c/d/>)(A/ B/>)c/d | (f^f g>)A | B/>d/f/>b/ Bz ||

TIDAL WAVE. American, Dance Tune (2/4 time). F Major ('A' part) & C Major ('B' part), with Trio in B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABBC. Composed by Eddie Fox. The tune is listed as a 'jig', referring not to the familiar Irish 6/8-time jig but rather a type of syncopated 19th century duple-time banjo tune, sometimes called a 'sand jig'. See “annotation:Annie Hughes' Jig,” also composed by Fox, for a sketch of the man.

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Printed sources : - Cole (1000 Fiddle Tunes), 1940; p. 79. Ryan’s Mammoth Collection, 1883; p. 112.

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