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Annotation:Too Old to Marry

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X:1 T:Too Old to Marry T:I'm Over Young to Marry??? M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:"Lively" N:"Perfom'd by the Little Devil" N:The “Little Devil” was Master Giles, “The Little Devil on Horseback,” N:a young and talented member of the equestrian company at the N:Edinburgh circus during the 1791 season. R:Country Dance B:John Watlen - The Celebrated Circus Tunes (Edinburgh, 1791, p. 4) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F F>GFA|A/G/F/G/ F2|A>BAc|c/B/A/B/ A2|cd/c/ cd/c/|cd/c/ ca| bgfe|f2f2:||:ccBA|ccBA|ddcB|ddcB| ccBA|ccBA|BGFE|F2 F2:||:Fc/=B/ c_B| Af/e/ ff|Fc/=B/ c_B|Af/e/ ff|Bd/f/ bb|Af/g/ aa| g/a/g/f/ e/f/e/d/|c/d/c/B/ A/B/A/G/|ccBA|ccBA|ddcB| ddcB|ccBA|ccBA|BGFE|F2F2:|]

TOO OLD TO MARRY. Scottish, Country Dance Tune (2/4 time). F Major (Watlen): G Major (Aird). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC.

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Printed sources : - Aird (Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 4), Glasgow, 1796; No. 83, p. 34. John Watlen (The Celebrated Circus Tunes), Edinburgh, 1791; p. 4.

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