Annotation:Tramps (The)
X: 1 T: Reel Of Bogie, The T: Tramp’s, The M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: reel K: Edor S: Naomh Padraig Ceili Band S: Ceili House, Oct. 8th, 2005 F: BE~E2 dEcE | ~B2AF DEFA | BE~E2 dEcE | ~B2AF E2FA | |1 BE~E2 dEcE| ~B2AF DEFA | ~B3d cBce | dBAF E2FA :| |2 B3B BAFA|(3Bcd AF DEFA |~B3d cBce | dBAF E2FE || D2 FA d3A | ~B2AF BFAF | D2FA defe | dBAF EGFE | D2 FA d3f | edef g2fg | afge fdec |1 dBAF E2FE :|2 dBAF E2FA||
TRAMPS, THE. Irish, Reel (cut time). E Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB, AABB. Fr. John Quinn identifies this tune as a member of the "Highlander's Kneebuckle (3) (The)" tune family, itself a derivation of "Haughs of Cromdale (The)." See note for "annotation:Haughs of Cromdale (The)" for more.