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Annotation:Trip to the Ferry

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X: 1 T:Trip to the Ferry. 2voices Dix.45, A M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=110 B:Anon. MS dated 1811, from Dixon collection, Holton le Moor, Lincs. A:England;Lincolnshire;Holton le Moor Z:vmp.R.Greig 2012 <http://www.village-music-project.org.uk> F:http://www.cpartington.plus.com/Links/Dixon(Anon)/Dixon6(12-4-16).abc K:G [V:1]|:d|gdd TB2A|GDG TG2A|BGB BdB|cAA TA2d| [V:2 clef =bass]|:z|G,,2B,, G,2D,|G,2B,G,2D,|G,2B,G,2z|G,2B,D2B,,| [V:1][gG]dd TB2A|GDGTG2A|Bcd cBA|BGGD2:| [V:2]G,2B,D2D,|G,2B,G,2D,|G,2B,,A,,2C,|G,D,B,,G,,2:| [V:1]|:d|gdg Tg2a|bgb Ta3"dot added"|gag fed|fdd [d2B2]d| [V:2]|:z|G,2B,G,2D,|G,2B,[D3D,3]|G,2B,G,2D,|DA,F,D,2z| [V:1]gdd TB2A|GDG[G2D2]A|Bcd cBA|BGG [G2D2B,2]:| [V:2]G,2B,D2D,|G,2B,G,2D,|G,2B,,A,,2C,|G,D,B,,G,,2:|

TRIP TO THE FERRY. English, Quickstep or Jig (6/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune was entered by an anonymous musician into a music manuscript collection dated 1811[1]. Researchers Fr. John Quinn and Conor Ward find "Trip to the Ferry" to be a member of a tune family cognate primarily in the first strain, with more variation in the second strains (a common occurrence). Other tunes they have identified as related include "Boys of the Town (2) (The)," "Boys of the West (1)," "Humors of Glynn (3)," "Jig (77)," and "Six Mile Bridge (2)."

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Kennedy (Traditional Dance Music of Britain and Ireland: Jigs & Quicksteps, Trips & Humours), 1997; No. 188, p. 44.

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  1. The manuscript forms part of Dixon collection, Holton le Moor, Lincolnshire.
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