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Annotation:Tripping thro' the Meadows

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X:2 T:Tripping thro' the Meadows M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Roche – Collection of Traditional Irish Music, vol. 3 (1927, No. 77, p. 23) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Ador E/A/A/G/ e(d/B/)|e/A/d/B/ G/A/B/G/|E/A/A/G/ e(d/B/)|g/e/d/B/ ~(B/A/)A|| e/a/a/g/ b/g/a/g/|e/g/d/g/ e/g/d/g/|e/a/a/g/ b/g/a/f/|g/e/d/B/ {d}(B/A/)A| e/a/a/g/ b/g/a/g/|e/g/d/g/ e/g/d/g/|b/g/a/f/ g/b/a/f/|g/e/d/B/ {d}(B/A/)A||

TRIPPING THRO' THE MEADOWS. AKA and see "Colm O'Donnell's Favourite," "Molly on the Shore (2)," "Kerryman's Daughter (2) (The)," "Sweetheart Reel (The)," "Temple Hill," "Temple on the Hill," "They Sailed away from Dublin Bay." Irish, Reel (2/4 time). A Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. Francis O'Neill printed a version of this tune in his Waifs and Strays of Gaelic Melody (1922), under the title "Sweetheart Reel (The)," while Ed Reavy reworked the tune for his "Molly on the Shore (2)." All are members of a large tune family that also contains the cognate reels "Kerryman's Daughter (2) (The)" (Mulvihill),

There was a very popular polka rondo latter 19th century called "Tripping through the Meadows" composed by G.D. Wilson (Grenville Dean), 1833-1897, but it is unrelated to Roche's reel.

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Printed sources : - Roche (Collection of Traditional Irish Music, vol. 3) 1927; No. 77, p. 23.

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