Annotation:Uncle Abe's Tune
X:1 T:Uncle Abe's Tune N:From a 2007 field recording of the playing of Saratoga County, N.Y., fiddler N:Ermina Pincombe (1930-2014). Dave Ruch says she had it "from her N:great uncle Abram R. Parslow as an untitled tune. Family lore had it that Uncle N:Abe learned it down south during the Civil War and brought it back to N:Speculator, NY, in the Adirondacks afterwards. Vic Kibler's uncle Lukie N:learned the tune from Uncle Abe and Vic played a version of it as "Uncle Lukie's." M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Quick" Z:Andrew Kuntz K:D AB||SA2d2A2FE|D2A,2D2FF|E2 EE EEGG|F2DDF2(AB| A2)d2A2 FE|D2A,2D2FF|E2E2 EEFE|D2 DD D2:| AB|:A2d2d2d2|AAA2d2f2|g2ee c2ee|eef2 a2f2| d2 dA d2dd |AA A2d2f2|g2ee B2c2|d4 d3BS:|
UNCLE ABE'S TUNE. AKA - "Uncle Lukie's Tune." American, Reel (cut time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Uncle Abe's Tune" comes from the playing of fiddler Ermina Pincombe (1930-2014), recorded in the field in 2007. According to folklorist and performer Dave Ruch, she had the tune from her great uncle Abram R. Parslow, who had no name for it. "Family lore", says Dave, "had it that Uncle Abe learned in down South in the Civil War and brought it back to Speculater, N.Y., in the Adirondacks afterwards. Vic Kibler's uncle Lukie learned the tune from Uncle Abe and Vic played a version of it as 'Uncle Lukie's' ".
The rather simple, quick, bugle-like melody relies heavily on arpeggiated chord notes, and could possibly have derived from a song tune.