Annotation:Waltz in der Freischütz

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X: 20512 T: Waltz in Der Freisch\"utz B: "Edinburgh Repository of Music" v.2 p.51 #2 F: Z: 2015 John Chambers <> M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: D (Adf |\ "_>"baf)(Adf | baf)(Adf | age)(Ace | "_>"gfd)(Adf | "_>"baf)(Adf | "_>"baf)(Adf | age)(Ace | d3 )|] (eac' |\ "_>"f'e'c')(eac' | "_>"f'e'c')(eac' | "_>"e'd'b) (e^gb | "_>"d'c'a) (eac' | "_>"f'e'c')(eac' |"_>"f'e'c')(eac' | "_>"e'd'b)(e^gb | a3) |] (Adf |\ "_>"baf)(Adf | "_>"baf)(Adf | "_>"age)(Ace | "_>"gfd)(Adf | "_>"baf)(Adf | ">"baf)(Adf | "_>"age)(Ace | d3) |]

WALTZ IN DER FREISCHÜTZ. This waltz melody, from Carl Maria von Weber's opera "Der Freischütz" [1] (1821),appears in several early 19th century publications, including the instrumental tutors of John Aston (A New and Complete Preceptor for the Clarionet, Boston, 1825) and Firth & Hall's Newly Improved Instructor for the Clarinet (New York, c. 1832). It was also entered into the c.1837-40 music manuscript collection of musician John Moore (Shropshire), the American music manuscripts of M.E. Eames (1859), and flute player H. Canfield (Hartford, CT, 1823). See also "Annotation:Huntsman's Chorus."

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Printed sources : - Edinburgh Repository of Music, vol. 2; p. 51.

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