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X:1 T:Warren’s March M:C L:1/8 R:March B:A. Robinson Jr. - ”Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a B:plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick” B:(Exeter, 1820, p. 37) B: https://archive.org/details/massachusettscol00exet/page/64/mode/2up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2 cB G2D2|G2 dc B4|d2 ef g2d2|c2 cA B2G2:| |:Bc d2 ef g2|fg af g2 g2|Bc d2 ef g2|fg af g4| d2 dB c2 cA|Bc d2c3d|efge dcBA|G2 G>G G4:| |:dB GB GB GB|Ac Ac Ac Ac|dB GB GB GB|Ac GB G4:|

WARREN'S MARCH. American, March (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). "Warren's March" is set in the context of other American War of Independence marches in the three editions of Alvan Robinson Jr's martial volume Massachusetts collection of martial musick (1818-1826). The title may refer to American physician wikipedia:Joseph_Warren (1741-1775) a leading Patriot figure leading up to the conflict with Great Britain, and a martyr to the cause at the Battle of Bunker Hill, where he chose to serve as a private soldier.

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Printed sources : - A. Robinson Jr. (Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick), Exeter, N.H., 1820; p. 37.

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