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Annotation:We'll all take a Sup in Our Turn

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WE ALL TAKE A SUP IN OUR TURN. Irish, Air (6/8 time, "not a jig"). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. “Song Air, not a Jig” clarifies Irish collector Patrick Weston Joyce (1827–1914). Joyce elsewhere says ‘sup’ indicates “one mouthful of liquid: a small quantity drunk at one time. This is English:—'I took a small sup of rum.' ('Robinson Crusoe.') 'We all take a sup in our turn.' (Irish Folk Song.)” Joyce had his melody from the Pigot Collection. The Joyce and O’Farrell versions are identical.

Source for notated version:

Printed sources: Joyce (Old Irish Folk Music and Songs), 1909; No. 728, p. 362. O’Farrell (Pocket Companion, vol. 3), c. 1808; p. 11. O'Neill (O'Neill's Irish Music), 1915; No. 94, p. 53.

Recorded sources:

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