Annotation:Weel take her away without leave of her Minny

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X:54 T:Weel take her away without leave of her Minny. JBa.53 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=80 C:"December 30th 1762" B:Joseph Barnes MS,Carlisle,1762. R: O: A:England, Carlisle Z:vmp.C.Graebe. K:F major "_No time/key sig" e|f>cA cFA|f>cA cag|fcA cFA|(d/c/)(B/A/)G Bdg:| |:"'1st'"c(e/f/)(g/e/) g(e/f/)(g/e/)|gec Aag|c(e/f/)(g/e/) ge/f/g/e/| dBG Bdg|ce/f/g/e/ ge/f/g/e/|gec Aag|\ fed edc|"qu's"(d/c/)(B/A/)G Bdg|]

WEEL TAKE HER AWAY WITHOUT LEAVE OF HER MINNY. English, Jig (6/8 time). England, Cumberland. F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Weel take her away without leave of her Minny" is contained in the 1762 music manuscript collection of Carlisle musician Joseph Barnes. Compare the tune with the similarly-titled "I'll Have Her in Spite of Her Minnie."

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