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Annotation:What You Please (3)

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X:1 T:What you Please [3] M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March B:A. Robinson Jr. - ”Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a B:plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick” B:(Exeter N.H., 1820, p. 31) B: https://archive.org/details/massachusettscol00exet/page/64/mode/2up Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G/B/d/B/ cc|G/B/d/B/ AA|G/B/d/B/ cc/e/|d/c/B/A/ GG:| |:g/d/c/B/ cc|e/c/e/c/ AA|g/d/c/B/ cc/e/|d/c/B/A/ GG:|]

WHAT YOU PLEASE [3]. AKA and see "Shepherd's Hey (1)," "Vexed Editor (The)." American, March (2/4 time) or Country Dance Tune. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The melody was printed in a few early 19th century American publications, including Norris & Sawyer's The Village Fifer (Exeter, N.H., 1808) and Alan Robinson Jr.'s Massachusetts Collection of Martial Musick (Hallowell, Maine, 1818, p. 25 and 1820, p. 31). Elias Howe printed the tune in some of his latter 19th century publications, employing the title "Vexed Editor (The)" along with "What You Please". These tunes, however, are cognate versions of the (probably) earlier English country dance tune "Shepherd's Hey (1)."

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Printed sources : - Elias Howe (Musician's Omnibus Nos. 6 & 7) Boston, 1880-1882; p. 604. A. Robinson Jr. (Massachusetts collection of martial musick: containing a plain, easy and concise introduction to the grounds of martial musick), Exeter N.H., 1820; p. 31.

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