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Annotation:William's Hornpipe

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X:1 T:William’s Hornpipe M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:McDermott – Allan’s Irish Fiddler (c. 1920’s, No. 97) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G (3DEF|(3GBG (3FAF (3EGE D>G|B>FG>B A>GE>D|G>Bd>g e>cA>F|G>gf>e (3ded (3cBA| (3GBG (3FAF (3EGE D>G|B>FG>B A>GE>D|G>Bd>g e>cA>F|G>B (3AGF G2:| |:(3Bcd|e>B (3BBB g>B (3BBB|e>Bg>B e>B (3BBB|d>A (3AAA f>A (3AAA|d>gf>e (3ded (3cBA| (3GBG (3FAF (3EGE D>G|B>FG>B A>GE>D|G>Bd>g e>cA>F|G>B (3AGF G2:|]

WILLIAM'S HORNPIPE. AKA and see “Quarrelsome Piper (The).” Irish, Hornpipe (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB.

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Printed sources : - McDermott (Allan's Irish Fiddler), c. 1920’s; No. 97, p. 25.

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