WINSTON "SCOTTY" FITZGERALD'S JIG. AKA - "Scotty Fitzgerald." Canadian, Jig (6/8 time). Canada, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'BB'. Winston FItzgerald The jig was composed by Cape Breton fiddler Sandy MacIntyre (who now lives in Etobicoke, Ontario) in honor of the master Cape Breton fiddler Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald (1914–1987). Fitzgerald was extremely influential among Cape Breton fiddlers in the mid-20th century, and his style was much admired and imitated. Fitzgerald himself, however, once advised young fiddler-composer Jerry Holland, originally from Massachusetts but who became immersed in Cape Breton fiddling and eventually moved to Cape Breton, "There's already one Winston, there's actually no need for another one--create your own style." See also MacIntyre's other (different) jig for Fitzgerald, "Scotty Fitzgerald's Jig."