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Annotation:Young Jockey (1)

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X:1 T:Young Jockey [1] M:3/2 L:1/8 B:Daniel Wright – Aria di Camera (London, 1727, No. 53) N:”being A Choice Collection of Scotch, Irish & Welsh Airs N:for the Violin and German Flute by the following masters N:Mr. Alex. Urquahart of Edinburgh, Mr. Dermot O'Connar of Limrick N:Mr. Hugh Edwards of Carmarthen” F: https://ia600808.us.archive.org/20/items/AriaDiCamera1727/Wright-AriaDiCamera-1727.pdf Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:D F4 (A2F2)(E2D2)|B6 c2B4|(A2d2)(A2F2)(A2F2)|E4F2 G4| F4 (A2F2)(E2D2)|B6 c2d4|(de f2) (e2c2)(B2A2)|A6 B2 c4|| c4 (e2c2) (d2e2)|f6 g2f4|(e2a2)(e2c2) (B2A2)|d6 e2d4| B4 (G2B2) (e2B2)|c6 B2A4|d4 (A2F2) (E2D2)|d6 e2 f4||

YOUNG JOCKEY [1]. AKA - "Blithe Jockey young and gay," "Young Jockey Blith and Gay." Scottish, English; Air (3/2 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. The love song "Young Jockey Blithe and Gay" is thought to have been composed by Richard Leveridge and first published around the year 1700. It was later included in Thomas D'Urfey's Pills to Purge Melancholy (1719-20). It begins:

Young Jockey blithe at early dawn,
Stats fresh an fair as roses blawn;
They o'er the dewy lawn he roves,
And greets the lass he dearly loves.
Sweet smells the birk, green grows the grass,
Dear Jug, will naething move thee,
Be kind, be true, my bonny lass,
I only live to love thee.

The melody was the indicated tune for songs in a number of ballad operas, including The Beggar's Opera (1728), Polly (1729), Beggar's Wedding (1729, "That maid ne'er knows her heart"), Sylvia, or The Country Burial (1731, "Sweet are the joys of love"), and The Village Opera (1729, "The rising sun dispels").

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Printed sources : - Johnson (Scots Musical Museum, vol. 1), 1788; Song 29, p. 30. Wright (Aria di Camera), London, 1727; No. 53.

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