Annotation:Young Simon Brodie
X:1 T:Young Simon Brodie M:C L:1/8 R:Strathspey S:Gow – The First Collection of Niel Gow’s Reels (1784) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A .c/.d/.e {d}Tc2 e<Ac<A|c/d/e {d}Tc2 B<=G B/c/d/B/|c/d/e {d}c2 e<Ac<A| (3dfd (3cac B<=G B/c/d/B/:||:A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/ A/c/e/d/ {d}c>B| A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/ B=G B/c/d/B/|A/c/e/c/ a/c/a/c/ A/c/e/c/ A/c/a/c/|f/d/f/d/ e/c/e/c/ B=G B/c/d/B/:|]
YOUNG SIMON BRODIE. Scottish, Strathspey. A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. There is a song called “Simon Brodie,” although in it the protagonist is ‘auld’, not young.