Miss Grant of Grant's Strathspey (1)
(Redirected from Miss Grant of Grant's Strathspey)
X:1 T:Miss Grant of Grant's Strathspey [1] C:Sir Archibald Dunbar of Northfield M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:James Taylor – A Collection of Strathspeys & Reels, together with a Set of Scots Quadrilles (Elgin, c. 1835, p. 3) N:”Most respectfully dedicated to Lady Dunbar of Northfield.” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb F2|(Bcd2)dc3 B3GG2B2|F2B2 GFED D3CC2F2|(Bcd2)d2c2 B3GG2B2|F3BD3d c4B2:| g2|fd3b3f g3fdf3|g3b gfed c3Bc2d2|fd3b3f g3fd2f2|g3b gfed ~c4 (Bg3)| fd3b3f g3fd2f2|g3b gfed c3Bc2d2|B3cd2B2 c3GB3F|GB3 GFED C4B,2||