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Nae luck about the house when our goodwife's awa
(Redirected from Nae Luck Aboot the Hoose)
X:1 T:Nae luck about the house when our goodwife's awa M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:James Johnson - Scots Musical Museum, vol. 6 (1803, Song 595, pp. 614-615) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F c|(cf) c (cf) d|c2c c2d|cA F (BG) E|F3-F2 c| (cf) c (cf) d|c2c c2d|cA F (BG) E|F3-F2|| B|{AB}c2c (AF) A|{c}B2B GE G|(F>G) A c2A|G3- G2B| {AB}c2c AF A|B2B GE G|F>G A BG E|F3-F2||