Annotation:Jemmy My Thousand Treasures
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X:0 T: No Score C: The Traditional Tune Archive M: K: x
JEMMY, MY THOUSAND TREASURES ("Jemmy Mo Veela Sthore" or "Drahaareen Mo Vella Sthore). Irish, Air (3/4 time, "tender and sad"). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). One part. "The air of this song--a lovely tender simple melody--was published for the first time by me in my Ancient Irish Music. It is well known all over Munster, where it is also called Drahaareen Mo Veela Sthore (Little Brother of My Heart) may be seen in my Irish Music and Song. The English words given below, with the Music, are a free translation, which I have known all my life, and of which I have also copies on printed ballad-sheets" (Joyce). See also O'Neill's "James My Thousand Treasures (1)."