Little Brother of My Heart
X:1 T:Drahareen-O-Machree T:Little Brother of My Heart M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air S:Joyce - Ancient Irish Music (1890) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companon K:F DE | F2G2A2 | A f3 ed | c2d2A2 | G4F2 | F4 c2 | f2A2A2 | c3d e2 | f4 (3gfe | d4 (3cAG | A4 (3cde | f2A2A2 | c2d2e2 | f4 (3gfe | d4 (3cAG | A4 DE | F2G2A2 | A f3 ed | c2d2A2 | G4F2 | F4 ||
X:1 T:Driteáirín Ó' M' Croide T:Little Brother of My Heart M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:"Doloroso" B:Batt Scanlon - "The Violin Made Easy and Attractive" (San Francisco, 1923, p. 52) N:Scanlon was a student of George Whelan, a North Kerry fiddle player and teacher Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F u(DE)|(F2G2)A2|(Af3) e>d|(c2d2)A2|(G4 F2)|!fermata!F4 uc2|(f2A2) A2| (c3d) d2|(f4 (3gfe)|(d4 (3cAG)|"2"!fermata!A4 (3cde|(f2 A3)A |(c2d2) e2|(f4 (3gfe)| (d4 {ed}(3cAG)|"2"A4 (DE)|F2G2A2|(A!fermata!f3) .e.d|c2 (d3A)|G4-F2|F4!D.C.!||