Egg Hornpipe
X: 1 % T:Egg Hornpipe,aka. WM.044 T:Peckhover Walk Hornpipe,aka. WM.044 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:a.k.a..China Orange Hornpipe.Works nicely as a dotted rhythm HP.Name Z:vmp.Chris Partington F: K:D dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|AFED DCB,A,|! dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FAdg fedc|d2d2d4:|! |:ecAc ecge|fdBd fdaf|"?"ecAc ecgf|edcBA2A2|!
X: 1 % T:Egg Hornpipe. JGi.012 S:Joshua Gibbons MS,1823,Tealby,Lincs. M:C L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 R:.hornpipe O:Tealby,Lincolnshire Z:VMP/R.Greig, 2009 K:F fe|fc Ac BdcB|AF AF BdcB|AF AF BG BG|AF AF GEDC| fc Ac BdcB|AF AF BdcB|Ac fa bg fe|f2f2f2:| |:ef|ge ce ge bg|af df af c'a|ge ce ge af|gfed c2zc| dB GB dB fd|cA FA cAfc|dfed cBAG|F2F2F2:|
X: 1 % T:Egg Hornpipe. JC.253 T:Fisher's Hornpipe, aka. JC.253 T:Blanchard's Hornpipe, aka. JC253 R:Hp C:by James Arnold Fishar, dir. at Covent Garden during 1770's. S:John Clare,Poet,Helpstone (1793-1864) N:MR. No KS in MS. 1st 2 notes after 1st double bar lines and last 2 N:notes in bar 12 are semi-qu's in MS. N:aka Peckhover Walk HP, China Orange HP.CGP. O:England A:Northamptonshire Z:vmp.P. Headford M:C| L:1/8 Q:2/4=90 K:D ((3ABc)|\ dAFA GBAG|FDFA GBAG|GEDE GEEG|\ FDD" qu's in MS"FB2c2|! dAFA GBAG|FDFA GBAG|FAdf Aceg|fedc d2:|! |:cd|ecAc efge|fdcd efge|fdcd efge|cBAG A2Bc|! dAFA BcdB|AFDA GABG|AFDF GEFG|A2" crots in MS"DA,D2|]
X: 1 % T:Egg Hornpipe,aka. TLY.014 M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 S:Wm.Tildesley,Swinton,Lancs.1860s. R:.Hornpipe O:England. A:Lancashire. N:Arnold Fishar was a ballet master at Covent Garden in about the 1760s N:and is known to have composed hornpipes for the stage. H:1860. Z:vmp.Taz Tarry. F: K:D AB/2c/2|dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|FAFD E2E2|! dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FdBg fdec|d2d2d2:|! |:cd|ecAc ecge|fdBd fdaf|ecAc ecge|edcB AABd|! BGEG BGdB|AFDF AFdB|BGdB AGFE|D2D2D2:|
X: 1 % T:Egg Hornpipe,aka. FK.16 M:C L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 C:"MS 42 p 2" S:Kidson's H'pipe MS,early 20thC. R:.Hornpipe O:England A:Leeds N:Also China Orange,,Peckhover Walk,,CGP. Z:vmp.John Bagnall,16/5/2003 F: K:D dc | dAFA GBAG | FAFA GBAG | FDFD GEGE | FDFD EDCB, |! dAFA GBAG | FAFA GBAG | FAdf gedc | d2 d2 d2 ||! cd | ecAc eceg | fdBd fdbf | ecAc eBgf |dcBA A2 A2 |! BGFG BGdB | AFDF AFdB | BdcB AGFE | D2 D2 D2 |] W:Below tune: "This is Fisher's Hornpipe see Bell's Hornpipes"