Fisher's Hornpipe
X:0 T:Fisher's Hornpipe L:1/8 M:C| K:F V:1 clef=treble name="0." [V:1] |:c2|fcAc BdcB|AcAc BdcB|AcFc BdGd|AcFA G2 (3cde| fc Ac BdcB|AcFc BdcB|ABcd efge|f2a2f2:| |:ef|gece gebg|afcf afba|gece gaba|gfed c2 Bc| dBFB dBfd|cAFA cAfc|dfed cBAG|F2A2F2:||
X:1 T:Fisher's Hornpipe 50 S:John Greenwood MS. c. 1780 M:C L:1/8 K:G V:1 clef=treble name="1." [V:1] gdBd cedc | BdBd cedc | BGBG cAcA | BGBG AFED | gdBd cedc | BdBd cedc | Bgec' bgaf | g2g2g4 :| |: afdf afc'a | bgdg bgd'b | afdf afc'a | agfe d4 | ecGc ecge | dBGB dBgd | ecge dBcA | G2G2G4 :|
X:2 T:Danced by Aldridge M: L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Alexander McGlashan - A Collection of Scots Measures (c. 1781, p. 34) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="2." [V:1] dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|AFED CECA,| dAFA GBAG|FAFAF GBAG|Fd Bg fedc|d2d2d2z2:| |:ecAc ecge|fdAd fdaf|ecAc ecge|fdcB A4| BGEG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|BGdB AGFE|D2D2D2z2:|]
X:3 T:Fisher's Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S: Seth Johnson - Woburn Fife Manuscript (c. 1807-40?, p. 14) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:C V:1 clef=treble name="3." [V:1] (3G/A/B/|c/G/E/G/ F/A/G/F/|E/G/E/G/ F/A/G/F/|E/C/E/C/ F/D/F/D/|E/C/E/C/ d/B/G/B/| c/G/E/G/ F/A/G/F/|E/G/E/G/ F/A/G/F/|Ec B/c/d/e/ |ccc:| |:B/c/|d/B/G/B/ d/B/f/e/|d/B/G/B/ e/c/g/e/|d/B/G/B/ d/B/f/e/|d/c/B/A/ GG| c/F/D/F/ A/F/c/A/|G/E/C/E/ G/E/c/A/ G/E/c/A/ G/F/E/D/|CCC:|] P:Same ms., in 'F' (p. 21) K:F (3c/d/e/|f/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/F/A/F/ B/G/B/G/|a/f/a/f/ g/e/c/e/| f/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/f/e/g/ f/a/g/b/|af/f/ f:| |:e/f/|g/e/c/e/ g/e/b/g/|a/f/d/f/ a/f/c'/a/|g/e/c/e/ g/e/b/a/|g/f/e/d/ cc| d/B/G/B/ d/B/f/d/|c/A/F/A/ c/A/f/d/|c/f/e/d/ c/B/A/G/|FF/F/F:|] P:2nd Part Fishers Hornpipe dd e/f/g/e/|d/e/d/d/ e/f/g/e/|dd ee|dd A2| dd e/f/g/e/|d/e/d/d/ e/f/g/e/|d/e/f/g/ a/g/f/e/|dd d2:| |:eeee|ff f2|eeef|e/d/c/B/ A2| BBBB|AA A2|d/f/d/f/ e/g/e/g/|fd d2:|]
X:4 T:Fisher's Hornpipe. BHp.08 M:C| L:1/8 R:.Hornpipe Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2013/15 B:Blackman - A Selection of the most favorite Hornpipes for the Violin ca1810-22 Q:1/2=80 K:D V:1 clef=treble name="4." [V:1] dc|dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|FDFD [E2A,2] dc| dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FAdf gedc|d2d2d2:| |:cd|ecAc ecge|fdAd fdaf|ecAc ecgf|edcB A3 A| BGDG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|BdcB AGFE|D2D2D2:|
X:1 T:Fisher's Hornpipe S:Micah Hawkins music manuscript collection N:Hawkins (1777-1825) was a NYC tavern owner and musician who wrote the N:first American two-act opera. He was the uncle of painter and N:fiddler William Sidney Mount. M:C L:1/8 R:Hornpipe Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F .f.c.A.. B.d.c.B.|AcAc BdcB|AFAF BGBG|"*"AFAF GFEC| fcAc BdcB|AcAc BdcB|Acfb agfe|f2f2f4:| |:.g.e.c.e .g.e.b.g|afcf afc'a|gece geba|gfed c2c2| dBFB dBfd|cAFA cAfc|dBfd .c.B.A.G|F2F2F2 z2:| P:alternate measure "*"AFAF GEDC||
X:5 T:Fisher's Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Saunders - New and Complete Instructor for the Violin (Boston, 1847, No. 3, p. 98) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F V:1 clef=treble name="5." [V:1] (3c/d/e/|(f/c/).A/.c/ (B/d/).c/.B/|(A/c/).A/.c/ (B/d/).c/.B/|(A/F/).F/.A/ (B/G/).G/.B/|(A/F/)(A/F/) C/c/d/e/| (f/c/).A/.c/ (B/d/).c/.B/|(A/c/).F/A/ (B/d/).c/.B/|A/c/g/a/ b/g/e/g/|faf:| |:(e/f/)|g/e/c/e/ g/e/b/g/|a/f/d/f/ a/f/c'/a/|g/e/c/e/ g/e/b/a/|g/f/e/d/ c(B/c/)| d/B/G/B/ d/e/f/d/|c/A/F/A/ c/d/e/c/|d/e/f/d/ c/B/A/F/|GFF:|]
X:1 T:Fisher's Hornpipe M:C L:1/8 B:William Sidney Mount music manuscript (mid-19th cent.) N:Mount was a painter and fiddler from Setauket, Long Island Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F .f.c.A.c .B.d.c.B|AcAc BdcB|AFAF BGBG|AFAF GFEC| fcAc Bd B|AcAc BdcB|Acfb agfe|f2f2f4:| |:.g.e.c.e .g.e.b.g|afcf afcf afc'a|gece geba|gfed c2c2| dBGB dBfd|cAFA cAfc|dBfd .c.B.A.G|F2F2F2z2:|
X:6 T:Second to Fisher's Hornpipe M:C L:1/8 N:William Sidney Mount music manuscript, page dated Feb. 22nd, 1848. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F V:1 clef=treble name="6." [V:1] FAFA FBAG |FAFA FBAG|FAFA GBGB|FAFA C2z2| FAFA FBAG|FAFA FBAG|FAAc cBAc|[F2A2][F2A2][F2A2]:| |:egege egeg|egeg egeg|fafa fafa|egeg egeg| egege egeg|BdBd BdBd|AcAc AcAc|BdBd ABcC:||
X:7 T:Fisher's or ... Roose.0909 T:Egg Hornpipe. Roose.0909 T:Ashley's 2nd Hornpipe,aka. Roose.0909 T:Blanchard's Hornpipe,aka. Roose.0909 T:Darkey Fisher's Hornpipe,aka. Roose.0909 T:English Hornpipe,aka. Roose.0909 B:J.Roose MS, Manchester 1850 Z:Village Music Project Edmund Spriggs 2019 Q:1/2=76 M:C L:1/8 K:D V:1 clef=treble name="7." [V:1] A2|dAFA GBAG|FDFD GBAG|FDFD GEGE|FAFD E2AB/c/| dAFA GBAG|FDFD GBAG|FA dg fedc|d2d2d2:| |:cd|ecAc egfe|fdBd fagf|ecAc egfe|fdcB A2A2| BGEG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|GBAg fdec|d2d2d2:|
X:8 T:Fisher's Hornpipe T:Blanch [sic] Hornpipe M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:M.E. Eames music manuscript book, frontispiece dated Aug. 22nd, 1859 (p. 39) S: N:Eames was perhaps from Philadelphia Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G V:1 clef=treble name="8." [V:1] gdBd cedc|BdBd cedc|BGBG cAcA|BGBG AF D2| gdBd cedc|BdBd cedc|Bgea c'agf|g2g2g2z2:| |:afdf afaf|bgdg bgbg|afdf afaf|agfe d2d2| edBc ecec|dBGB dBdB|cedc BAGF|G2G2G2z2:| P:Variations – 2nd strain afdf afc'a|bgdg bgd'b|afdf afc'b|agfe d2d2| edGc ecae|dBGB dB gd|cedc BAGF|G2G2G2z2||
X:9 T:Limerick Hornpipe N:A version of “Fisher's Hornpipe [1]” M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Finnegan/Curtin Manuscript (Sliabh Luachra, Co. Cork, mid-19th century, No. 16, p. 7) B: N:The ms. predates the introduction of quadrille-based polkas and slides that N:now characterize the music of Sliabh Luachra region, thought to have been N:introduced in the latter 19th century. S:Breanda'n Breathnach (1912-85) obtained the ms. from E. Finnegan, who had it S:from D. Curtin of Stagmount, Rockchapel, Co Cork. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="9." [V:1] (AB/c/)|dAFA GBAG|FDFA GBAG|FDDF GEEG|FDDF EDB,D| dAFA GBAG|FDFA GBAG|FAdf gfec|1 dcdc d2:|2 d2 dd d2|| |:d2|ecBc efge|fddd dfaf|ecAc efgf|edcB A2 Ac| BGGG GBdB|AFDF ABcA|BcdB AGFE|D2 DD D2:|
X:10 T:Fishers M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:Stewart - Robertson - The Athole Colletion (1884) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D V:1 clef=treble name="10." [V:1] dc|dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|FDFD E2 dc| dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FAdf gedc|d2 d2 d2:| |:cd|ecAc ecge|fdAd fdaf|ecAc ecgf|edcB A3A| BGDG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|BdcB AGFE|D2 D2 D2:||
X:11 T: Fisher's Hornpipe with Variations M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Clinton W. Bisbee (West Sumner, Me., August, 1904) N:The inscription on the front cover indicates the that contents were N:copied from the Dec. 25, 1864, music manuscript of Frank Richardson, N: who lived in a town called Mt. Vernon, Me., later called Canton, Me.. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F V:1 clef=treble name="11." [V:1] (3c/d/e/|f/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|(A/F/)F/>A/ (B/G/)G/>B/|(A/F/)F/>A/ G/E/C| f/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/B/c/d/ e/f/g/e/|fff:| |:e/f/|g/e/c/e/ g/a/b/g/|a/f/c/f/ a/f/a/f/|g/e/c/e/ g/a/b/a/| g/f/e/d/ cB/c/| d/B/F/B/ d/B/d/B/|c/A/F/A/ c/A/f/c/|c/f/e/d/ c/B/A/G/|FFF:| P:"Variation 1" c/d/e/|fc/A/ B/d/c/B/|f/a/c/A/ B/d/c/B/|f/a/c/f/ g/b/e/g/|f/a/g/f/ g/c/d/e/| f/a/c/A/ B/d/c/e/|f/a/c/A/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/f/a/ c/e/g/b/|(3a/g/f/ (3g/f/e f:| |:c/d/e/f/ g/f/g/e/|c/e/f/g/ a/f/g/a/|b/g/a/f/ d/a/g/e/|a/e/f/d/ c/A/B/c/| db/a/ g/f/e/d/|ca/g/ f/e/d/c/|B/d/G/B/ A/c/f/a/ |(3a/g/f/ e/g/f:| P:"Variation 2" (3g/f/e/|f/c/A/c/ (B/d/)(G/B/)|(A/c/)(F/A/) (B/d/)(G/B/)|A/c/f/a/ c/e/g/b/|A/c/f/a/ b/g/e/c/| (f/a/).c/.A/ (B/d/)(G/B/)|A/c/F/A/ B/d/G/B/|A/c/f/a/ G/c/e/g/|fff:| |:c/g/c/g/ c/g/c/g/|c/a/c/a/ c/a/c/a/|(b/a/)(a/g/) (g/f/)(f/e/)|(e/d/)(d/c/) (c/B/)(B/A/)| B/d/g/b/ A/c/f/a/|G/c/e/g/ A/c/f/a/|b/g/e/c/ a/f/d/B/|A/c/e/g/ f:|]
X:12 T:Fisher's Hornpipe M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Oliver Ditson - The Boston Collection of Instrumental Music (c. 1850, p. 57) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F V:1 clef=treble name="12." [V:1] f/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/F/A/F/ B/G/B/G/|A/F/A/F/ G2| f/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/c/A/c/ B/d/c/B/|A/B/c/d/ e/f/g/e/|fff:| |:e/f/|g/e/c/e/ g/e/b/g/|a/f/c/f/ a/f/c'/a/|g/e/c/e/ g/e/b/a/|g/f/e/d/ cB/c/| d/B/F/B/ d/B/f/d/|c/A/F/A/ c/A/f/c/|d/f/e/d/ c/B/A/G/|FFFz:|]
X:13 T:Fishers Hornpipe. GHW.059 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/2=90 B:George H.Watson,MS,Swanton Abbott,Norfolk,c1890 R:.Hornpipe A:England; Norfolk Z:Village Music Project, Taz Tarry, 2000 K:D V:1 clef=treble name="13." [V:1] ((3ABc)|dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|FDFD E2 ((3ABc)| dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FAdf fdec|d2d2d2:| |:(cd)|ecAc ecge|fdAd fdfd|ecAc ecgf|edcB A2A2| BGDG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|BdcB AGFE|d2d2d2:|
X:14 T:Fisher's Hornpipe S:Alonzo Elvis "Tony" Alderman (1900-1983, western Virginia, with the Hill Billies) M:C| L:1/8 Q:"Moderately Quick" N:The dotted hornpipe rhythm is faithfully retained in the Hill N:Billies recording, and it is not played as a reel. D:Vocalion 5017 (78 RPM), The Hill Billies (1926) F: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G V:1 clef=treble name="14." [V:1] d ef|gdBG ccdc|BGBG cBcA|BdBG cBcA|BdBG A2d2| gdBG ccdc|BGBG ccdc|Bdge fgaf|g2g2g:|2 g2g2g2|| |:fg|afdA afdg|bagg bgbg|agfg afdf|agfe d2gf| eAcd efge|dcBc dBdg|efge dcBA|G2G2G2:|
X:15 T:Fisher's Hornpipe N:From the playing of farmer and fiddler Sammie Dyer (1906-1983, Macon N:County, north-central Tenn.), recorded in 1972 in the field by Bruce Greene M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Fast" D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D V:1 clef=treble name="15." [V:1] Bc|dAFF GGAD|FDFF GGAD|FDFF GGAD|FDFD EDBc| dAFF GGAD|FDFF GGAA|dAff e2c2|[d3f3]f [d2f2]:| |:e2-|e2 ef e2ce|fefg fede|e2ef e2af|eecB A2dc| BABA BcdB|A2 AB A2Bc|dcdB A2 FE|D3D- D2:|
X:16 T:Fisher's Hornpipe N:From the playing of fiddler Mulkey Kent (1907-1974, Evening Shade, N:Sharp County, Arkansas). Known as the “Dean of Old-Time N:Fiddlers,” Joseph Mulkey Kent won 31 first prizes for his fiddling, N:including the 1927 Arkansas State Fiddle Championship. Recorded N:in 1959 by John Quincy Wolf (Lyon College). M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Quick" D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D V:1 clef=treble name="16." [V:1] Ac|dAFA GBAG|[F2A2][F2A2] [GB]BAG|[F2A2][F2A2]FDFD|[E4A,4][E2A,2][E2A,2]| DDFF [GB]BAG|FDFD GBAG|FGAB cdeg|[M:3/2]fdec (d[d2f2])f [d2f2]Ac| [M:C|]d2F2 GBAG|FDFD GBAG|FDFD GEFD|E[A,2E2][A,E][A,2E2]Ac| ddFF GBAG|FDF[FA] G[GB]AG| FGAB cdeg|[M:3/2]fdec (d[d2f2])f [d2f2]|| [df][df]|[M:C|]eece eecA|ffdd fddd|edcB e2ee|edcB A2Ac| BAGA BcdB|AGFD D2 FG |AdcB AGF(C|+slide+[D2D2])[DD][DD] [D2D2][A2e2]-| [Ae]cec Aceg|[d3f3][df] [df]dfd|Acec [c2e2]ef|edcB Acec| BAGA BcdB|AGFF D2 [D2F2] |BcdB AGFF| [D2D2][DD][DD] [D2D2]||
X:17 T: Fisher's Hornpipe N:Transcribed by Frank Maloy from his uncle, fiddler Joseph Henry N:Bullington (south Georgia). M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Stephen F. Davis - Devil's Box, vol. 24, No. 4, Winter 1990; p. 51. Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G V:1 clef=treble name="17." [V:1] b/a/|"G"g;d/B/d/ "C"c/e/d/c/|"G"B/d/B/d/ "C"c/e/d/c/|"G"B/G/B?d/ "Am"c/A/c/e/|"G"B/G/B/d/ "D7"A/d/e/f/| "G"g/d/B/d/ "C"c/e/d/c/ |"G"B/d/B/d/ "C"c/e/d/c/|"G"B/c/d/e/ "D7"f/g/a/f/ |"G"g/a/b/a/ g:| |:f/g/|"D7"a/f/d/f/ A/d/f/a/|"G"b/g/d/g/ B/d/g/b/|"D7"a/f/d/f/ a/f/a/b/|"A7"a/g/f/e/ "D7"dg/f/| "C"e/c/G/c/ e/c/g/e/|"G"d/B/G/B/ d/B/g/d/|"C"e/g/f/e/ |"D7"d/c/B/A/|"G"G/A/B/A/|G:|]
X:18 T:Untitled N:From the playing of fiddler Winfred K. Farris (Lawrence County, Tenn.), from a N:video taken at Summertown Bluegrass Reunion (c. 1980's-90's). N:The first strain sounds like a distanced variant of "Fisher's Hornpipe". N:Probably the same Winfred K. Farris of Lawrence County, Tenn., who enlisted in N:the army in Sept., 1940. His birthdate was given as 1921. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D: Z:Andrew Kuntz K:F V:1 clef=treble name="18." [V:1] [Ae]-|[Af]dcB AcBc|A-BA-B cBcB|ABcA BAcB|AcA(F/^F/ G3)[Ae]-| [Af]ecB AcBc|A-BA-B cBcA|ABce efge|[A3f3][Af]- [A3f3]:| gf|ec-cd ccgf|ec-cc g3f|gece geag-|ec-cd c2d2-| dAcc defe|cB-Ac B-AcA| aegf e-fga|f3f fegf| ec-cA cegf|ec-cA g3e|gece geaf|ec-cd c2^c-d-| dAcd defe|cB-Ac (BA)ce|aegf ef-ge|f4[A3f3]||
X:183 T:Fisher's Hornpipe @ Alain A:fisher's hornpipe @ alain C:Trad S:André Alain O:Québec R:hornpipe P:aa bb D:[Danse ce Soir]( B:Hart & Sandel (2001) Danse ce Soir; #2, p.40 N:Note that A1 and A2 could also be regarded as variant A parts. In that case, whichever version is chosen should be played twice. M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Fmaj P:A1 eg | "F" f2 cA "Bb" BdcB | "F" AcFA "Bb" Bd ~c2 | "F" AFAc "Bb" dBGB |"F/A" A2 FA "C/G" GECE | "C" GF[FA]F "F" [FA]2 [FA]e | "F" ~f2 cA "Gm" BdcB | "F/A" (3AAA FA "Bb" BdcB | "C7" Acfa bage | "F" fage ~f2 ce|| P:A2 | "F" f2 cA "Bb" BdcB | "F" AcFA "Bb" Bd ~c2 | "F" Accc "Bb" bccc |"F/A" accc "C/G" gcde| "F" ~f2 cA "Gm" BdcB | "F/A" (3AAA FA "Bb" BdcB | "C7" Acfa bage |"F" fage ~f2 ef|| P:B |: "C" gece gfbf | "F" afcf a2 fa | "C" gece geba | "G7" gfed "C" cABc | "Bb" dBFB dBfd | "F" cAFA cA ~f2 | "C" cfed cBAG |1 "F" F2 f2 ~f2 ef:|2 "F" F2 f2 ~f2 eg |]