Reconciliation (The)

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 Theme code Index    1356 5652
 Also known as    Reiteacad (An), Reidteact (An), Humphrey's Hornpipe (2), Humphrey's Reel, Olive Branch Hornpipe
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Ireland, Canada, United States
 Genre/Style    Cape Breton/PEI, Contra, Irish
 Meter/Rhythm    Hornpipe/Clog, Reel (single/double)
 Key/Tonic of    A
 Accidental    3 sharps
 Mode    Ionian (Major)
 Time signature    2/2
 History    CANADA(Maritimes/English)
 Structure    AABB, AA'B'B'
 Editor/Compiler    Francis O'Neill
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Music of Ireland: 1850 Melodies
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 1670, p. 310
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1903
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:The Reconciliation M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe B:O'Neill's Music of Ireland. 1850 Melodies, 1903, p. 310, no. 1670 N:The last note length of both parts has been corrected (A4 instead of A2). Z:François-Emmanuel de Wasseige K:A A2 c>A e>Af>A|e>Af>A e>cB>c|A2 c>A e>Af>A|e>cB>c A>FE>F| A2 c>A e>Af>A|e>Af>A e>cB>c|A>BA>F E>cd>f|e>cB>c A4:| |:A2 c>e a2 a>f|e>fe>d c>dB>c|A2 c>e a2 a>g|f>bb>a g>be>g| a>ga>e f>ae>c|d>Bc>A B>AF>G|A>BA>F E>cd>f|e>cB>c A4:|]

X:2 T:Reconciliation, The M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:O’Neill – Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems (1907), No. 524 Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A A2 cA eAfA|eAfA ecBc|A2 cA eAfA|ecBc AFEF| A2 cA eAfA|eAfA ecBc|ABAF Ecdf|ecBc A2:| |:A2 ce a2 af|efed cdBc|A2 ce a2 ag|fbba gbeg| agae faec|dBcA BAFG|ABAF Ecdf|ecBc A2:|

X:3 T:The Reconciliation M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:Brian Conway Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A EFG|:A2 (3cBA e(Af)(A|e)(Af)(A e)(dB)c|A2 (3cBA e(Af)(A|e)(cB)c A(FE)F| A2 (3cBA e(Af)(A|e)(Af)(A e)cBc|(3ABA FA EAcf|1 e(cB)c AFEF:|2 e(cB)c A3A|| |:[CFA] ce a3f|efde ceBc|ABce ~a3g|(fb)ba gefg| agae faec|(3dcB {c}BA BAFA|(3ABA FA EAcf|1 e(cB)c A3A:|2 e(cB)c A||