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Annotation:Ben Hill (1)

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X: 1 % T:Ben Hill [1] T:Father Kelly's Reel [2] M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Father Kelly S:from Mike Rafferty R:Reel N:Posted to the woodenflute mailing list, August 2002 Z:Tom Madden K:G B|:d3B cAFA|G2 BG DGBG|AzAB cBAG|EAAG ABce| d2dB cAFA|G2 BG DGBG|AzAB cdef|gdcA BG G2:| dgga gdBd|eaab ageg |fd ad bzaf|gage dcBc| dgga gdBd|eaab agef |~g3e d2 Bc|dBcA BG G2:||

BEN HILL [1]. AKA and see "Father Kelly's Reel (2)". Irish, Reel. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB: AA'BB' (Harker/Rafferty). A c. 1960 composition of Father Patrick Joseph "P. J." Kelly (1925-2006), piano-accordion player and composer of some 35 tunes. Father Kelly was stationed for a time on Fiji, but returned to Ireland. Ben Hill is a place name from near Rossmore, County Galway, near Kelly's original home of Woodford, Loughrea. Father Charlie Coen, also a native of the area, says the Ben Hill is on one side of Rossmore, while on the other is Rossmore Jetty (The), the name of another Kelly composition. Fiddler Aggie Whyte lived near the base of the hill.

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Source for notated version: - New Jersey flute player Mike Rafferty, born in Ballinakill, Co. Galway, in 1926 [Harker].

Printed sources : - Harker (300 Tunes from Mike Rafferty), 2005; No. 161, p. 49.

Recorded sources: - Gael-Linn CEFCD 165, Máire O'Keeffe - "Cóisir/House Party" (1990).

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