Annotation:Bess King's Hornpipe
X:25 T:Bess Kings Hornpipe A:England;London M:3/2 L:1/4 Q:1/2=100 S:J.Walsh,Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs,etc 1731 Z:Pete Stewart, 2004 <> with vmp revisions K:Gmin c2e2g2|fd2e/d/c_a|gfedc=B|cG2d/e/dc|| eg2_abe|df2g_ad|ce2fgd|=B2G2G2|| b2bedb|a2adc_a|g2gc=Bc|c3=Bc2|| Gcdefd|Bdefge|cefg_ae|d3cc2|| cc'gegb|dbfdf_a|gc=BgA^f|gG_AFG=B|| cGEGCF|BFDFDG|cGEGCD/E/|D>EDC=B,G|| CG_AG_AC|B,FGFGB,|_A,FGE_A/G/F/E/|D4C2|]
BESS KING'S HORNPIPE. English, "Old" or Triple Hornpipe (3/2 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDDEEFFGG. The melody appears in London music publisher John Walsh's third collection of Lancashire tunes (Lancashire Jigs, Hornpipes, Joaks, etc.) published around 1731.