Annotation:Blackthorn Stick (4) (The)
X:1 T:The Blackthorn Stick [4] M:C| L:1/8 S:O'Malley Collection K:D fe | d2 FB AFEF | D2 dc BABc | dF ~F2 AFED | (3EFG FE D>g fe | dF ~F2 AE ~E2 | DF ~F2 BABc | d2 FB AFED | (3EFG FE D2 :| |: Bc | d2 fd edfd | A2 (3cBA eA (3cBA | defd e2 fg | (3agf (3gfe fdec | defd edfd | A2 (3cBA eA (3cBA | defg afbf | afef d2 :||
BLACKTHORN STICK [4], THE. AKA and see "Blackthorn (The)," "Irishman's Blackthorn Stick (The)," "Clear the Road," "Countess of Louden's Reel," "Inch of Garth" "Jack McGuire," "Jolly Clam-diggers (1) (The)," "Jolly Clareman (The)," "Old Blackthorn (The)," "Rafferty's Reel," "Rising Sun (2) (The)," "Rising of the Sun" (Eiri na Greine). Irish, Reel. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA'B (Mulvihill): AA'BB' (O'Malley). Recordings by Sligo fiddler Michael Coleman and Galway accordion player Joe Cooley helped to popularize this tune. An early recording of the melody was made by the Flanagan Brothers on 78 RPM. See also Mike MacDougall's Cape Breton strathspey setting, "Blackthorn Strathspey (The)." See note for "Old Blackthorn" for more.