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Annotation:Charlie's Brother

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CHARLIE'S BROTHER. Canadian, Reel. Canada, Cape Breton. E Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Buddy MacMaster and Joe Cormier both recorded this reel before "Prince Charlie." The tune appears in Perlman's Fiddle Music of Prince Edward Island as "Little Jack's Reel," identified as from a recording of Cape Breton/Ontario fiddler Little Jack MacDonald. The tune has 'borrowed' the first strain of "Mrs. Ramsay of Barnton (2)."

Source for notated version: Buddy MacMaster (Cape Breton) [Dunlay & Greenberg].

Printed source: Dunlay & Greenberg (Traditional Celtic Violin Music of Cape Breton), 1996; p. 85.

Recorded sources: Celtic CX13, Rodeo Banff 1257, Donald and Theresa MacLellan/The MacLellan Trio - "The Music of Cape Breton" (c. 1950's. Appears as "Reel" after "Flora MacDonald"). Rounder 7004, Joe Cormier - "The Dances Down Home"(1976. Appears erroneously as "Keep it Up").

See also listing at:
Alan Snyder's Cape Breton Fiddle Recordings [1]

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